The Nutramilk Blogazine

In a Nutshell

Our recipes, diet, health, wellness and fitness blogazine, where we bring you weekly advice, ideas and inspiration for living a healthier lifestyle and your NutraMilk processor.

Cholesterol FreeGluten FreeDairy Free Preservative Free Low in Saturated Fat Vegan Friendly RecipeRaw Diet FriendlyPaleo Friendly

By Florencia Tagliavani - NutraMilk Nutritionist

A powerfully nutritious combination of almonds and gooseberries are sure to give your health a boost. Almonds are one of the most nutrient-dense nuts that provide good plant-based protein, heart healthy fats and are an excellent source of Vitamin E & B vitamins.

Gooseberries are a dried tart berry also known as golden berries. One of the most important medicinal plants of Ayurvedic medicine, used to cure many conditions, gooseberries are known for their rich antioxidant &; vitamin C content. The combination of the minerals and other nutrients found in both of these foods makes this beverage a great anti-inflammatory elixir which may help prevent chronic disease, keep the heart, muscles, and nerves healthy &; promote healthy skin and hair.


  • A good source of magnesium, manganese, cooper, potassium & phosphorus.
  • A good source of Vitamin E, C and several B vitamins.
  • A rich source of antioxidants (Flavones and anthocyanins).
  • Contains heart healthy fats & is a source of plant-based protein.

Associated health benefits include:

  • Regulation of muscle and nerve function, blood sugar levels and blood pressure.
  • Protection of cells from damage and promotion healthy skin and hair.
  • Cholesterol & blood pressure lowering effects promote a healthy heart.
  • Beneficial effects against cancer, aging, inflammation, and neurological diseases.

Other benefits include:
This truly nutritious recipe for Sweet & Sour Gooseberry Almond Milk packs a powerful health punch.

With 31% daily value of vitamin E, 17% DV of vitamin C in just one glass as well as many other vitamins &; minerals, antioxidants and heart healthy fats, this recipe helps give your skin and hair a healthy glow and fight oxidative stress & inflammation - the root cause of most chronic disease.

RECIPE - Sweet & Sour Gooseberry Almond Milk

Yield: 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)


  • 1 cup almonds (150 g)
  • 1 quart water (946 mL)
  • 1 cup dried gooseberries (140 g)
  • 2 Tablespoons honey


  1. Place almonds, gooseberries, and honey in the NutraMilk container.
  2. Press Butter cycle, set for 7 minutes.
  3. Press Start.
  4. Open the container lid, add water. Replace lid.
  5. Press Mix (do not change this default time).
  6. Press Start.
  7. Press Dispense.
  8. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.

Scoop out the yummy leftover bits from the bottom of the NutraMilk container!

From 200 DELICIOUS & HEALTHY RECIPES for your NutraMilk from Nuts, Seeds, Grains & More by Rita Rivera

