The Nutramilk Blogazine
In a Nutshell
Our recipes, diet, health, wellness and fitness blogazine, where we bring you weekly advice, ideas and inspiration for living a healthier lifestyle and your NutraMilk processor.

- You can use dry or soaked nuts and seeds in their raw state.
- If you choose to soak your nuts or seeds for making milk, you will need to ensure the nuts ore seeds are completely dry by allowing them to dry overnight (at least 8 hours). Also note that the Butter cycle will be shorter than recommended times listed.
- All recipes call for dry measurements of nuts or seeds.
- Minimum ratio of nuts or seeds for making milk is 1 cup (8 oz/227 g) to 1 quart (946 mL) of liquid.
- Kept refrigerated in a container with a tight-fitting lid, the milk should stay fresh for up to 6 days.
- Natural separation will occur, just give it a good shake before serving. You can also use non-GMO sunflower lecithin as an emulsifier€”generally, 1 Tablespoon to a quart (946 mL) works well.
- Most of the milk recipes call for a minimum of 1 cup (8 oz/227 g) of dry nuts of seeds and a minimum 3-4 cups (710 €“ 946 mL) of liquid. I suggest that you begin with our basic recipe. You will also find that the proportions can be forgiving as you adjust to your preferences. Keep in mind that using less water will make a fuller bodied and flavored milk and using more water will result in a less bodied and less flavorful milk.
- When using vanilla in a recipe, pure organic extract, ground, or fresh vanilla beans are all good choices and can be adjusted to taste. My general recommendation when using vanilla extract is ½ to ¾ teaspoon per one quart (946 mL).
- For ground or fresh vanilla beans, use 1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon per one quart (946 mL).
- When using bananas, make sure to consume the milk the same day you make it.
- Many of these milk blends use dried fruit for sweetness and for flavor. When making the recipes that use dried fruit, there will be sediment in the base of your NutraMilk container with yummy bits of dried fruit that are left after the Dispense cycle.
- Use a spatula to scoop out the material, add it to the milk, and mix well
- Use it as a "layer" in parfaits with chia and or acai
- Place it on top of your morning cereal or in your oatmeal
From 200 DELICIOUS & HEALTHY RECIPES for your NutraMilk from Nuts, Seeds, Grains & More by Rita Rivera