The Nutramilk Blogazine

In a Nutshell

Our recipes, diet, health, wellness and fitness blogazine, where we bring you weekly advice, ideas and inspiration for living a healthier lifestyle and your NutraMilk processor.

Last week, Whole Foods announced the top 10 food trends to expect next year in 2019 in their fourth annual trends predictions. Whole Foods trend-spotters compiled this years report based on more than 100 years of combined experience in product sourcing as well as consumer preferences, emerging influencers and flavors discovered at food and wellness exhibitions worldwide. Although we are excited about all 10 trends, we are especially looking forward to three in particular: phat fats, snack time upgraded and eco-conscious packaging.

Phat Fats

In the past, fats have been feared and were often minimized or avoided entirely from the American diet. Thankfully in recent years, fats has been making a comeback. With the rise of popular eating styles like Paleo, Ketogenic, and High Fat Low Carb (HFLC), fats are now becoming more of the main focus of meals and snacks. We have always known fat sources are our friends and should not be feared, but we are pleased to see other companies and brands getting on board with this trend. Whole Foods reports consumers should expect to see new integrations of fat sources in 2019 such as as keto-friendly nutrition bars, fat filled chocolate cups and fat bomb snacks. If you can’t wait until next year to try this trend we have some ideas on how you can make your own at home.

Try this Trend: Try the 2019 trend “Phat Fats” by making one (or all) of these tasty treats!

Snack Time Upgraded

In 2019, snacks will abandon the ordinary vegetable sticks and fruit slices mentality and instead will take a turn toward the extraordinary. Snacking will no longer be something you quickly do while you’re on the go and in between meals and meetings. Instead, snacking will become an experience all on its own. Think things like charcuterie boards for one, elevated spreads and dips and more mini focused meals. 2019 snacks will also be an ode to oldies, but goodies. Comforting snacks like peanut butter and crackers sandwiches will give you all the nostalgic feels of your elementary school days.

Try this Trend: Try the 2019 trend “Snack Time Upgraded” by upgrading your own snack time with these scrumptious snack time recipes.

Eco-Conscious Packaging

There are a number of brands upgrading their packaging to something more sustainable in order to help protect the environment. We know single use plastic is not good for our health or the environment, so expect to see brands moving away from this type of packaging. Even grocery stores are jumping on board. In 2019, expect to see more grocery store produce departments becoming “BYOVB” (bring your own vegetable bag) and keep your eye out for single-use plastic swaps for more natural substances like beeswax and other natural alternatives that are more environmentally friendly.

Try this Trend: Purchase your favorite foods, like nuts and seeds, in bulk and make your own nut milks, seed milks, nut butters and seed butters that way you cut down on any unnecessary packaging. Don’t have the time to make your own nut milks and butters from scratch? We can help.

Be a trendsetter and start incorporating these 2019 food trends into your daily diet and wellness routine today!

Be sure to tag us @thenutramilk so we can see how you use these trends.

