The Nutramilk Blogazine

In a Nutshell

Our recipes, diet, health, wellness and fitness blogazine, where we bring you weekly advice, ideas and inspiration for living a healthier lifestyle and your NutraMilk processor.

By Florencia Tagliavini, The NutraMilk Nutritionist

In the nutrition world new fad diets are coming out constantly. The fitness world goes through many fads and trends of different workouts as well. There is always some new type of workout or fitness program coming out that is better than the last. Of course, there are many workouts and fitness training regimens that have come out have stood the test of time because they work. If you ask several personal trainers or exercise physiologists which is the best exercise, you'll get all different answers. With so many popular options, how do you choose?

Types of Workouts

  • High-intensity interval training
  • H.I.T
  • resistance training
  • crossfit
  • boot camp
  • the orange theory
  • barre workout
  • zumba
  • jazzercise
  • spin classes
  • kickboxing
  • indoor rock climbing
  • Pilates
  • yoga
  • running
  • swimming
  • the list keeps going...

Each one of these workouts will engage different muscles and body systems so if you have a certain performance or fitness goal you want to reach, then there is probably a few of these options that are more suitable than others.

Consistency is Key

But, it's actually quite simple. The best exercise you can do is the one you can stick to!! That's right! Consistency is key! It's more important than the type of exercise you do. There is nothing wrong with trying out new workouts, but find something you like and actually enjoy doing so you are able to maintain it on a regular basis. Download an app to keep you on track.

Maybe you just don't like working out - so I suggest you find a workout class with a good group of people you enjoy hanging out with or a person or trainer that will motivate you. Perhaps, an activity that does not feel like a workout. Get a friend or a neighbor to go brisk walking with you or biking. If you are close to nature, go on a hike. Take advantage of social media and find a facebook group that works out together in your area. If you can socialize while you work out that may be even more of a motivator.

How much exercise do you need?

According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services:

For substantial health benefits, adults should:

  • Do at least 150 minutes (2 hours and 30 minutes) a week of moderate-intensity,
  • or 75 minutes (1 hour and 15 minutes) a week of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity,
  • or an equivalent combination of moderate- and vigorous-intensity aerobic activity. Preferably, it should be spread throughout the week (for example 30 minutes, 5 days a week).

For additional and more extensive health benefits, adults should:

  • Increase their aerobic physical activity to 300 minutes (5 hours) a week of moderate-intensity,
  • or 150 minutes a week of vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity, or an equivalence combination of moderate- and vigorous-intensity activity. Additional health benefits are gained by engaging in physical activity beyond this amount.
  • Do muscle strengthening activities on at least two days each week.

Also remember, something is always better than nothing! Even if you've been sedentary for years, today is the day you can begin to make healthy changes in your life. Start slow and work your way up and choose any type of exercise and workout you enjoy and will be able to keep up.

